Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Post-Thanksgiving Dinner

What do you do when your Thanksgiving guests insist on bringing their own dressing? Smile and say "No Problem!" of course. And then make your own another day ;-)

I forgot to set out the butter and milk when I took the photo.....but here's what I did.
Cook the cornbread according to the package directions. Cool and crumble into a bowl. I chopped half of that gigantic onion and added salt, pepper, poultry seasoning and celery salt. (I usually would add more sage, but I didn't have any). Add a stick of melted butter, almost a box of chicken broth. Stir it together and taste a pinch to check the seasonings. Bake it for 45 minutes or so.

Of course I top mine with homemade cranberry sauce....but to each his own.

Since I was on a roll....I went ahead and made a pumpkin pie with the leftover ingredients from last week. I don't know how I managed to miss out on that because my sis in law made 2 of them!

The boys ate theirs while we read our Christmas book for the night. (more on that in the next Funny Friday post!)

It's Nerf or Nothin!

I think all boys are born with an inherent love for Nerf Guns. Even, boy elves.

"Secret Elf" was found daydreaming with a toy catalog this morning. I thought it looked as though he attempted to take some shots. However, my thoughts were corrected by the real boys who live here. Apparently the suction cup bullets do not go to the gun that was left out, so some Elf friends must've come and then taken their own guns with them?!?!?!

We were surprised to find another note!

We followed his instructions to read Genesis 2:8-9. "Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. And the Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground - trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil."

Our note read "The Garden of Eden - now that sounds like the perfect travel destination. God created Eden as a home for Adam and Eve and filled it with plants and creatures for them to enjoy. In the center of the garden God planted the Tree of Life, a gift to Adam and Eve for eternity."

"From the beginning, God's plan was for Adam and Eve, and all of us, to live in paradise forever and ever. Keep that perfect place in mind as we begin on our way this season."

Last night we read "The Bears' Christmas" that was given to us by Aunt Rachel. We will continue reading a different Christmas book every night through Christmas. Beginning tomorrow, the kids and I will also be doing a Christmas activity a day until Christmas Day. I am already making plans to wear pajamas all day and be very lazy on December 26th!!

Let me know if you have any comments or tips for me. I am still figuring out blogging and trying to decipher what is interesting and how to adjust the layout of everything!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

We've Been Elfed!

Well, it's happened. An elf has proclaimed himself as our own. He showed up yesterday. We read a book, The Elf on the Shelf, and he has been dubbed "Secret Elf."

This little guy seems to be a perfect match for our family. In true "Pyatt Boy" fashion, he got bored and found a way to keep himself busy, though somewhat mischievous. He was found this morning with our Halloween candy strewn all over the island and empty wrappers left behind. Morgan even caught him red-handed with a twizzler in his hands.

....and just like my boys, he seems to have a sweet, tender heart. He left a note written in the tiniest little print. Here's what it said...

"Is Christmas at my gradma's house? Is Christmas at the mall?
Is Christmas underneath a tree Decked out with colored balls?"

"Is Christmas at the North Pole? Can you get there in a sleigh?
I know it must be somewhere. Does somebody know the way?"

"I know the way to Christmas. And I'm glad to tell you, too.
The way, you see, is not a "where." The way is really "Who."

"God gave a precious gift to us On that first Christmas Day.
God opened up the gates of heaven, and Jesus is the Way!"

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Blake's Story

Today, I have no cute pictures to share. However, I do have a precious story to share that Blake told me this morning.

This morning Blake and I were going through CD's we have to see if there are any songs we have that he would like loaded onto his iPod. As we were listening to some, he told me that he wished one of his friends had not moved away yet and was still at our school. He told me that this boy's family believed in God, but not in Jesus. Blake told me that he shared with the boy all about Jesus being God's Son and dying on the cross for everyone and that's how you get to go to heaven.

The boy shared his beliefs with Blake that when you die God asks you 3 questions and if you get them right you go to an ice place ?!?! and if you get them wrong you go to fire (hell). The boy told him that in Saudi Arabia (where his family lived) they don't have church, but his parents told him about this belief.

Blake then proceeded to tell him to please pray and ask Jesus into his heart and to tell his family that they could all do it to before they go back to Saudi Arabia because it's okay to do that in the United States. He said "Please, please tell your mom and dad what I told you."

Of course, I reminded Blake that the Bible says Christ died for all and that you don't have to just believe in the U.S. But that is why it is important to share the Truth with everyone we know so that they can also share and so the whole world will get a chance to hear.

Blake told me that he told his friend that He felt like God was making him a disciple and wanted him to tell the boy about Jesus. Then Blake told me, with tears in his eyes, that when he grows up he wants to go to Saudi Arabia and make a church so all those people and all of his friends' family can know about Jesus and go to heaven. He said "even if people want to kill me for doing that, I still want to go there." He also told me it made him feel proud to talk to his friend.

Those of you who know Blake well, know that he has been going through all kinds of inner turmoil during the last year. It was just such a sweet, precious moment and I cannot express how proud I am of this boy. I know that God has amazing plans for him and I know that's why he is under such attack. I just wanted to share this story because I am so very proud of all of my boys and I am so thankful that Blake opened up and told me this story and that God allowed me to hear what He is doing with Blake's heart.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Funny Friday 2

Yes, my child was sitting on the table at the bowling alley. Believe it or not, neither of us cared. We had a blast. Everyone was behaving and patiently waiting for their turn. So when I said "pose" and I snapped the picture with everyone posing how they chose. I'm enjoying being this kind of parent....focusing and what's important and having more fun with the rest.

Beau is in a terrible habbit of making this face. It drives me crazy. It must feel weird when he squishes his lips and nose together. I don't know...but I hope this phase ends soon.

These next two pictures are "fun day" at swim practice. On Wednesday, the White and Red Ribbon teams (Blake is Red), got to just play. Here are a couple of shots from the day.

I know these two photos are poor quality, but the subject matter is not. I'm working with what I've got. I admire all you photography-minded people who can figure out the lighting and the action at the same time!

And on to our quotes for the week....

(Singing) Beau: "Oh be careful little eyes what you see. Oh be careful little eyes what you see. For the Father up above is facing looking down. Oh be careful little mouth what you say."

Dad: "This is my game, go play your own Words With Friends, Blake."

Blake: "I was just going to tell you that you can play B-Y-E for bye."

Morgan: "Or you could play B-Y like for by."

Beau: "Or you can spell B for wee-wee-wee all the way home."

Mo: "Do you know what a Native American is? It's an Indian!"

Wally: "An Indian burn?!?!"

Everyone: "No!"

Wally: "Oh, do you mean Indiana Jones?"

On Thanksgiving night, after bowling....

Mom: "I want to have some leftovers."

Mo: "I want to have some leftover cake!"

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving in Pictures

So thankful for our family of five!!!

Beau and I made a red velvet cake.

Our Thanksgiving Tradition...

The magic in action...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Chicken Pot Pie

Last night I made my best Chicken Pot Pie ever!


and After....

Thanksgiving Break

This week has been absolutely wonderful. I'm so glad we had a full week off for Thanksgiving. Our days have been filled with laughter, imagination and playing outside.

Beau loves Laurie Berkner. I must confess I love her, too. I think she is a genius....combining music with preschool silliness. (Two of my favorite things).

Of course, it's way more fun when you have your own guitar....

This inspired a day of music which included some Lego Rock Band, jumping on the trampoline with the tunes blasting from the ipod speakers Blake bought with his birthday money, and Beau playing a song on the guitar for all his trains/train tracks while they raced.

We have had a blast playing outside this week. The big boys have been to the school on bikes and scooters twice and Beau and I joined them once. Our front and back yards have been filled with boys for the past three days. That makes this mama smile.

Happy Thanksgiving week!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Funny Friday

Proverbs 17:22 says, "A joyful heart is good medicine..." So, here is a little joy (AKA funny kid moments) from the Pyatt Place from this past week.

Beau: (on Sunday morning) "I can cook our supper after church." Mom: "Oh good! What will you make for us?" Beau: "Green eggs and ham. I colored some on a plate at school."

At church, the preschoolers get a stamp on their hands that is a reminder of the Bible story they are discussing. Mom: "Beau what does your stamp mean today?" Beau: "This one means obey sheep and the other one means obey trains." Dad: "I think you got a little confused."

Morgan: "If I eat a lot of golden grahams maybe I will turn golden. Then I can buy stuff without paying money." Blake: "Morgan, that will never work. You would have to give yourself to them and then you wouldn't be able to keep what you bought. You would have to sell yourself."

Beau: "If my cotton balls get cooked, they will be with turkey and turn into mashed potatoes."

Beau: "Jesus made ice cream and he made refrigerators so ice cream can be cold." Mo: "That's not true Beau, people made that stuff."

Blake has been practicing new styles for his hair. Here is a picture of one of the better looks he came up with, after a lesson in "Don't use soap or shower gel to style your hair."

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Good Morning, Fall

I love waking up to the cool, refreshing Autumn air. However, little boys aren't fond of getting out from under the covers on those cool mornings. So, for a sweet start to their day....

Warm apple cider and hot biscuits with pumpkin spice butter!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Missions Musical and Sunday Fun Day

Yesterday the choir and orchestra from our church (including the best looking trumpet player ever!) presented a musical based on Missions. In my opinion, this was the best musical I have heard them do. It was heartfelt, and the music had a powerful message of what we are called to do. I absolutely loved it.

Just a little insight....The reason for this musical was to prepare for the upcoming Lottie Moon Christmas offering. The concept of "giving" is very near to my heart. For one reason, my top love languages are "Acts of Service" and "Gifts." For another reason, someone voluntarily gave $ so that I could go to summer camp as a teenager. At that camp is where my faith in Jesus Christ became a reality. This Christmas offering is the largest single missions offering that we give to on an anual basis at church. This special offering covers a majority of the budget for missionaries under the International Missions Board. Living expenses, Bibles and teaching materials, travel expenses, security for missionaries and aid after natural disasters are just a few of the many things that this offering does.

Later in the day on Sunday, we were able to spend some time with cousins. We "cracked eggs" on the trampoline to the tune of 100 giggles. Ailey was loving on JJ (our dog). I have included a few pictures.

We ended the day by playing Blake's new Campbell's Soup Scrabble game that he got from Aunt Rachel and the girls.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Blake is 10!

Ten years ago today my life completely changed forever. I became a mom. A boy mom.

After 5 hours in labor, and after just receiving an epidural, I was taken back to the OR for a C-Section. Labor was not progressing and sweet baby Blake was going into distress with every contraction. I was put under general anesthesia and moments later my 9 lb, 11 oz. baby boy was born.

This baby is still just as sweet as ever....but not nearly so high on the weight percentile charts now. Blake is our tender-hearted, God-loving, perfectionist, video game-loving boy. Words cannot express how much he means to us. We are excited to see all that God has for him in the days to come.

Today we celebrated by having a friend sleep over, enjoying a pancake breakfast at church that raised money for missions, going to the movies, playing a little Lego Rock Band and birthday dinner from Mimi and Papa. We also spent time downloading aps to Blake's new iPod Touch.

I don't know how this happened, but my baby is not a baby anymore. I'm ok with that, but I do hope we can slow the next few years down and savor every moment.

Trying Something New

I am going to try to join the world of blogging. I'm not sure how this works, so I guess I'll be "winging it." The reasons I decided to start this were

  • To try something new

  • To journal our day-to-day life and have a reminder of sweet moments that seem to fly by

  • To share photos and events that happen in our family

  • To remind myself of things that I cook or make (because it seems like I'm always trying something new, but never remembering the dishes that we all declared were GETHA)

Here goes....