Monday, December 5, 2011

That Silly Elf

Ping Pong, anyone? On Sunday we found this....

And then we read this...

God made a promise to a travelling man named Abraham. “You will have more descendants than there are stars in the sky,” God promised. God kept that promise. Abraham’s descendants were known as Israelites. They were God’s chosen people—also called “the people of the promise.” Those traveling people moved to the land of Egypt where, the Bible tells us, “they multiplied and filled the land.”
As we join this mobile family on our way to Christmas, remember the very good new that Abraham learned. God keeps a promise.
God had made another promise to Abraham as well. “Through one of your descendants, the whole world will be blessed,” God said. Let’s wait for that promise to come true.

Oh what fun this elf has had today...

Blake was appalled, Morgan was laughing and Beau was in awe.

What will he think of next?

At first, Beau thought it was rope. When I told him it was toilet paper, he asked if it was all gone. After a few more questions, I figured out he was asking if Santa had used all of our toilet paper. When I told him we still had ours, we decided that the elf must have used Santa's TP to play. He said, "that's not very nice, but it's very funny."

Today we learned about Moses and the Israelites and Pharoah.

I see an evergreen bush lit up with red light! Now we must be on the right way. But wait! It wasn’t a Christmas tree that caught Moses’ eye. It was a burning bush. God had news to share with Moses, and that bright bush was the best way to get Moses’ attention.
God’s people were slaves in Egypt. They cried out to God, praying to be saved from slavery. If they could get God’s attention, perhaps God would free them.
But god had always been watching over them, even when they were living in slavery. God did hear their cris, and God knew the time was right to free them all.
“Got to the king of Egypt,” God said to Moses from the burning bush. “Tell king Pharaoh to let my people go!” Pay attention because God is coming to save His people.

Last night was our "Hanging of the Greens" performance at church. (Children and teens) Mo and Blakester both looked so handsome! Blake sang his solo beautifully. I wish I were a better photographer....I couldn't get the lighting right, so the pics didn't turn out very well.

Time to get everyone from school and then head to the Aquatic Center!

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